Musculoskeletal conditions

Acupuncture is a widespread complementary treatment for many musculoskeletal conditions and is particularly helpful for those suffering with chronic ailments.

 Sports and Work Place InjuriesAcupuncture is based on the theory that energy flows along meridians or channels which have specific pathways throughout the body and connect with their respective organ.  An acupuncture point is a ‘gateway ‘into the meridian and each point has a particular function, such as unblocking the channel, alleviating pain, or clearing heat.  Below is an image of most of meridians traversing the back of the body.

The aim of the acupuncturist is to determine which meridian is involved, establish relationships within the body and with the environment based on the symptoms (what makes it better or worse, etc). As you can see, a condition like frozen shoulder may involve several meridians and then the most effective point combination needs to be considered. Although there are standard points for particular conditions, your treatment is personalised according to your own needs. 

In regards to neck pain, studies have shown that acupuncture can have beneficial effects on mobility and pain related to motion, especially in chronic cases.

Studies have shown that acupuncture has a place in the treatmentof chronic musculoskeletal pain and in particularosteo-arthritis (OA). Where degenerative conditions are involved,acupuncture clearly cannot provide a ‘cure’but can provide symptomatic relief, often overa prolonged period.

In regards to neck pain, studies have shown that acupuncture can have beneficial effects on mobility and pain related to motion, especially in chronic cases.

Sports and work place injuries

Acupuncture is frequently used for many chronic and acute injuries. It can quickly lessen inflammation, as well as to release pressure and improve blood circulation.Acupuncture has the ability to provide instant relief from painful injuries, and can also accelerate the healing process by reducing swelling, boosting the immune system, and providing energy and calmness to the patient. Acupuncture has been found to be especially effective in treating tendon and ligament sprains and strains, which are common injuries for both athletes and the worker.

Clinically, acupuncture is effective in managing many different forms of pain and dysfunction, most likely due to the opioid (pain-killing) effect and through supporting the system, but also because other lifestyle factors are taken into account and adjusted accordingly.